5 Things to Do to Be More Relaxed
December 14, 2023 | Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec
Photo credit: Zach Betten on Unsplash
At some point in your life, you might face pressure related to various aspects, such as school, work, or your social life.
Dealing with this pressure involves employing various strategies. I believe that the combination of small actions can have a dramatic impact. In this post, I suggest some tips that have greatly helped me throughout my college journey.
Here are five actions to take to reduce stress and become a more energised person:
1. Sleep: My favourite thing! Establishing a consistent sleep schedule helps regulate circadian rhythms (sleepdoctor.com, 2022). You can also improve the quality of your sleep by creating a relaxing bedtime routine. Personally, I used to avoid screens 30 minutes before going to bed.
Photo credit: Rob Mulally on Unsplash
2. Spend energy: It's important to stay active! Incorporating diverse physical activities is not only good for your physical health but also your mental health (helpguide.org, 2023). I subscribed to a nearby gym as it adds a level of commitment – the idea being that I would be more inclined to go if I invested in it. Finding an exercise buddy or joining group classes can also add motivation.
4. Find a hobby: Engaging in a hobby can be a great way to relax and reduce stress. There are countless activities to explore, such as jogging, hiking, playing musical instruments, writing, reading—you name it. Trying out different hobbies can help you discover new interests or even a passion. Personally, I never thought I would love playing the ukulele, for example. Once you find a hobby you enjoy, make sure to schedule dedicated time for it.
3. Socialise: I consider myself an introvert and I like spending time alone. But I must admit that once in a while, meeting with people, especially close friends can be energising. This not only improves my mental wellbeing but also makes me more productive in the days to follow. Hence the importance of fostering meaningful connections with people.
5. Spend time outside: Embracing the outdoors, enjoying nature, and taking breaks from screens can alleviate fatigue and provide opportunities to unwind, fostering creativity.
These are just a few suggestions, and the list could be much longer. However, everyone has something that resonates with them. Find yours!
sleepdoctor - Sleeping Schedule
Becaye Baldé
Emotional Wellness Liaison (Chicoutimi, Saguenay)
for Y4Y Québec
Instagram: becaye_balde