In the Media
The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph - Youth on Boards gives young adults the tools to step up
The Campus (Independent student newspaper of Bishop’s University) - Let’s Talk About French
Radio-Canada’s Première heure - Youth on board initie les jeunes au fonctionnement d'un conseil d'administration: here & here
CBC Listen’s Let's Go with Sabrina Marandola - Are you a new student in Montreal? Here are some tips
CBC Listen’s Radio Noon Quebec with Shawn Apel - Is there a youth unemployment crisis in Canada?
CBC Listen’s Let's Go with Sabrina Marandola - Community groups tackling "language insecurity" in anglophone teens
CBC Québec - Nonprofit launches project to encourage young Quebecers to vote
Montreal Gazette - Nonprofit holds fundraiser to increase voter participation among youth
CBC Listen’s Daybreak Montreal with Sean Henry - How to get the youth out and vote
The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph - Provincewide Youth Forum gets young adults talking
CBC Listen’s Daybreak Montreal with Sean Henry - Elevating English-speaking youth voices
CBC Listen’s Daybreak Montreal with Sean Henry - Y4Y tells CEGEP students: "Welcome to the City"
CBC Listen’s Daybreak Montreal with Sean Henry - What should young people be doing to make sure they get a summer job?
CIDI 99.1 FM Community Radio - Show 26 with Abigail and Chloe
CBC Québec - A date with the diaspora
CBC Québec - Uplands Valentine's Day Tea for young people in Lennoxville
CBC Québec - Y4Y Québec's Human Library Project with Peter Tardif
The Quebec Chronicle Telegraph - Human library builds bridges with talking books
CBC Montreal News - Weeknights 6 with Debra Arbec
The Record - Y4Y Quebec building a bilingual human library in Sherbrooke
The Record - Meet Your Neighbour (in Sherbrooke!)
CBC Listen’s Daybreak Montreal with Sean Henry - Youth for Youth Québec motivating English-Speaking Quebec youth to take part in civil society
The Equity - First ever Pride event held in the Pontiac - Read full story here.
CBC Listen - Quebec AM with Julia Caron: Finding out what motivates English-Speaking Quebec youth
La Presse - « Qu’est-ce que l’on peut faire de plus ? », demandent les anglophones
The Suburban - Let Anglo youth be heard at Bill 96 hearings: group
Montreal Gazette - Quebec anglo youth group seeks to attend hearings on language reform bill
Montreal Gazette - Opinion: To youth, Quebec's linguistic debate seems stuck in the past
Montreal Gazette - Opinion: As an English-speaking Quebecer, I feel 'in between’
CBC Québec - Out of the Dark: Real Talk on Mental Health
CBC Montreal - Little Burgundy: A Historic Gemstone" Virtual Event
CFIM/canada-info.ca - Québec government gives Youth 4 Youth $500,000 in financial assistance
CTV News - English Québecers want to create their own flag
Montreal Gazette - Public asked to vote on flag for Québec's English-speaking community
Global News - Youth organization asks public to vote on an official flag for English-speaking Québecers
Le 15-18, Radio-Canada - Les Anglos-Québécois veulent leur drapeau: Entrevue avec David-Roger Gagnon
MTL Blog - An 'Official Flag For The English-Speaking Community Of Québec' Is Currently In The Making
The Daily Hive - Organization asks Québecers to vote on official flag for English-speakers
The Beat 92.5 - Young Québecers asking the public to vote on a flag to represent the English-speaking community
CFIM/canada-info.ca - Flag Project
CJAD - Flag Project