My Vote Counts

Y4Y Québec’s civic engagement initiative My Vote Counts is a province-wide voting campaign that encourages soon-to-be (those under 18) and current voters (ages 18-34) to participate at all levels of elections. Throughout the project, youth leaders from various regions of Québec engage youth by creating fun and captivating social media content that educates them about voting. The primary mission is to inform, encourage, and mobilise youth to hit the polling booth!

For more information on the youth voting turnout rate for those aged 18-34, check out the statistics below!

Check out
the three-part video series

This video is the first in a three-part series that dives deeper into the role of youth in civic engagement.
Part 1 focuses on the importance of voting, the impact of youth participation, and how young people can ensure their voices are heard on the issues that matter to them.

This initiative would not have been possible without the collection of funds by various organisations and the Canadian Government’s supplementary funding.

Thank you to the organisations that donated to My Vote Counts!

Meet The Team

Project Coordinator

Content Creators