The Spark Hub
Fuelling ideas – Inspirer l’avenir
Funded by The Dialogue Network, this project encourages English-speaking youth to take a primary role in organising activities which enrich French as a second language learning among their peers.
This Spring, the Dialogue Network is launching a micro-grant program, Programme VIF, open to youth across Canada, for which youth can propose a French-language activity they will organise in their community. Y4Y would like English-speaking youth to feel empowered to apply for this incredible opportunity for youth-led community organising, networking, and linguistic exchange.
The Y4Y team will be leading consultations across Québec to find out what kinds of programming Québec’s English-speaking youth would like to create and participate in to improve their French second language skills, and to spark dialogue between English and French-speaking youth.
We will also be sharing an information campaign on social media to promote youth-led initiatives in Québec. These videos will be part of an informative for-youth, by-youth campaign to encourage English-speaking youth to apply for youth-led opportunities available to them, and to get in touch with local organisations that can help make their project ideas a reality!
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Meet the Team
Project Coordinator
Freya Wilson
Project Coordinator & Communications Assistant
Growing up in London, Freya graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a honours degree in French and History, specifically centred around interdisciplinary research on gender, sex and sexuality. Outside of her studies, she loved getting involved in student societies, charity fundraising and volunteering, including working on projects that promoted learning French as a second language. As the former President of the University of Edinburgh’s French-language theatre society, Les Escogriffes, Freya is passionate about the importance of creativity and collaboration when learning and developing new skills. Excited about her next chapter in life here in Montréal, Freya hopes to continue to inspire English-speaking people in their French-learning journey.