The Spark Hub

Fuelling ideas – Inspirer l’avenir

Funded by The Dialogue Network, this project encourages English-speaking youth to take a primary role in organising activities which enrich French as a second language learning among their peers.   

This Spring, the Dialogue Network is launching a micro-grant program, Programme VIF, open to youth across Canada, for which youth can propose a French-language activity they will organise in their community. Y4Y would like English-speaking youth to feel empowered to apply for this incredible opportunity for youth-led community organising, networking, and linguistic exchange.   

The Y4Y team will be leading consultations across Québec to find out what kinds of programming Québec’s English-speaking youth would like to create and participate in to improve their French second language skills, and to spark dialogue between English and French-speaking youth. 

We will also be sharing an information campaign on social media to promote youth-led initiatives in Québec. These videos will be part of an informative for-youth, by-youth campaign to encourage English-speaking youth to apply for youth-led opportunities available to them, and to get in touch with local organisations that can help make their project ideas a reality! 

Funded by:

Meet the Team

Project Coordinator