A Local Boardwalk to Bliss
October 15, 2022 | Nicolet, Mauricie, Québec
Photo Credit: Savannah Leroux
When it comes to my mental health, I know that I need those ‘do nothing, expect nothing of me’ days, and I need at least one a week to function at my best. Sometimes even more if it’s a particularly difficult time.
As a person who has always worked at least 2 jobs and often fills as much time as possible with things that need to be done, I have learned my limits. This is mostly thanks to the movement to understand mental health during Covid. Honestly, I used to think it was normal to work every minute of my day until burn out. Thank goodness I learned otherwise and take time for myself to recharge. Sometimes this is doing absolutely nothing, but sometimes I enjoy some exercising. No matter what it is, I follow the dopamine and do things just for myself.
As the weather turns cold and the leaves change, it gets harder to get outside and easier to look out from a warm and cozy inside with a warm cup of hot chocolate and a good book. I mean, that’s what I’m doing most days. Sweater weather means cozy and cozy means I am alone in my room with my hot drink and I am reading, writing, or watching something. Summer was meant for activities and seeing friends and we lose that during fall. With shorter days, going out means more preparation for the cold, but it also means that a sunset walk is easily achievable, while still leaving time to cozy up watching a movie.
“Between the walk, fresh air, and the complete contentment of nature, it’s easy to come back to a normal level after feeling overwhelmed or upset.”
I love the sunsets here. Back in British Columbia the sunset is blocked by mountains for the most part. With no big mountains here and sunsets that start early enough, my little walk down a nearby boardwalk becomes bliss. As a nature lover and eager explorer with good weather, I am always up to find local places to visit and what’s better than a short 1.5 km boardwalk to the river? Very little for me.
Photo Credit: Savannah Leroux
My steps get lighter, and my smile always gets bigger as I go down the path, even stopping to feed the birds along the way. It is just gorgeous under the trees as you walk over the marsh. After that, the tree cover opens up and the river comes into view. I have gone here a few times during quieter times to help collect my thoughts, watch the sun set, or just to read on the benches. Between the walk, fresh air, and the complete contentment of nature, it’s easy to come back to a normal level after feeling overwhelmed or upset.
This spot in particular may not be close to you, but I implore you to find a spot or a thing that brings you that sense of fullness and peace. This could be a place, like a picnic bench at a local park, or maybe that feeling comes from listening to certain music. No matter what it is, follow your dopamine and find passion in your day to day life again. Living is more than just working. Looking towards the future all the time stops us from enjoying what is around us. I don’t mean that you shouldn’t have future goals, I just mean that we need to find more pleasure in the little things in life as we work towards our future ideals. Enjoy the drives, the smiles, and the normal moments we live through every day.
Savannah Leroux
Community Liaison (Nicolet, Mauricie)
for Y4Y Québec