Looking Back
April 19, 2023 | Nicolet, Mauricie, Québec
Photo Credit: Jonas Olsen on Unsplash
Self-reflection is a large part of developing into a better person over time, and it’s a really valuable skill to work on. With this in mind, I wanted to reflect back on everything that I have been through in these 8 months here in Québec, and what I look forward to in my future.
Now, when I tell you that coming to Québec was not in my plan, I mean it. This time last year, I was hoping to get into university for a teacher program, but it didn’t happen. I didn’t. I applied to the Odyssey program and got to be essentially what is a teacher’s assistant, and within a couple of months, I moved here. I have never been a particularly impulsive person, but these past 8 months have been filled with some of the best impulsive moments.
“I have never been a particularly impulsive person, but these past 8 months have been filled with some of the best impulsive moments.”
Photo Credit: Jeremy Vessey on Unsplash
Since September, my months have been filled with so much personal growth. A new job and new people in a new town is crazy. I have had the opportunity to adventure around the area and make many memories with great people who value similar things. I had the chance to date someone here, and even though it didn’t work out, it did get me to recognize a lot of what I want in my future husband and what I really do value in a relationship. That was where the husband list from my last blog post came from. I believe that my personal relationships have developed more as well since I have had to put more work into friendships and keeping connected. Living in this tiny and beautiful town really made me appreciate my hometown so much more, and I am so excited to get back in June.
My self-worth and confidence have grown while here, since I can focus on myself and what I really want out of my future. I lined up my summer job at a lake near my hometown and have already started making plans with friends when I’m back. Being here also meant I could reapply for university and teaching programs. Wonderfully, I just accepted a position to start this September! I have been dreaming of being a teacher since kindergarten, and over the years, I have worked on the type of teacher I want to be and what I want to teach. I am so happy to be accepted into a French teacher program and am so excited to be achieving my dreams.
“My self-worth and confidence have grown while here since I can focus on myself and what I really want out of my future.”
All in all, this year has been a major adventure, not only personally, but with Y4Y Québec as well. I organised 2 events in Trois-Rivières, a carving and a rock-climbing event, and got to write so many blog posts to share my experiences with you all. This has been a great opportunity, and I am grateful to have had the chance to share this with everyone. I hope the best for everyone in my audience here and everyone who has yet to find Y4Y Québec.
Peace out, and may your dreams come true!
Savannah Leroux
Community Liaison (Nicolet, Mauricie)
for Y4Y Québec