Photo Tour: Beautiful Fall Colours at Sentier de la Rivière Beauport
Photo Credit: Flora Janos
November 11, 2022 | Québec City, Capitale-Nationale, Québec
By now the colourful leaves have fallen down and the weather is slowly starting to transition from fall to winter.
I am sad to say goodbye to the colourful tree crowns, and I do miss the warmth of the fall colours already. I was looking through the pictures I took when I did a little hike at the Sentier de la Rivière Beauport last week when the colourful leaves were at the peak of their glory. I wanted to share with you this beautiful trail hiding in the Beauport area of Québec City. Please enjoy this little photo tour of Sentier de la Rivière Beauport.
As you enter the trail you are greeted by a creek on the left flowing in the direction of the entrance as if inviting you to find out where it is coming from. The trail is covered with golden leaves showing off the opulence of nature.
The trail forks two ways. One is a bike and running trail, and one wooden leisurely walking trail. Both trails have beautiful views, but perhaps the wooden trail has a more romantic feel.
Wooden animal statues decorate the trails. There are at least three that caught my eye, but I would not be surprised if there were more.
It is safe to get close to the creek from the trail. The water is very clear and it flows effortlessly through the rocks that peak out from the surface of the water. The serene view of the fall forest scenery with the fresh sound of flowing water creates a beautiful sensory experience. I could sit at this view for hours to meditate, but I was too curious to find out what I’d find at the end of the trail, so I kept going.
The two trails eventually merge into a little staircase. The vibrant orange colour of the leaves covering the ground and the stairs reminded me of the colour of pumpkins. I’m tempted to make this photo into a postcard.
Walking closer to the end of the trail, the bright orange leaves shift to a vital yellow colour. Although I prefer the orange leaves, the yellow ones are also very beautiful and sit on the tree branches like little shards of sunlight. I hear the sound of the water increase to a forte as I walk down the trial.
The end of the trail is the Parc des Cascades. Alas, it is truly a grand finale with a twin pair of gorgeous waterfalls falling parallel to each other. I stop to listen to the refreshing sound of the waterfalls for a few minutes before I make my way back.
Thank you for reading this photo tour. I hope you enjoyed it, and that it made you want to visit this hidden gem in Québec City (Beauport)!
Flora Janos
Community Liaison (Québec City, Capitale-Nationale)
for Y4Y Québec