Study-Life Balance for Busy Students
September 21, 2023 | Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec
Photo Credit: Becaye Baldé, at the Zoo Sauvage of Saint-Félicien
“The first step to solving a problem is to recognise it. If you can’t acknowledge that your lifestyle is a source of stress, you can't deal with it.”
University can be stressful. We often find ourselves so overwhelmed by school projects, exams or work that we forget to "live". Live a relaxed life, like the raccoon in the photo.
I used to spend so much time studying or working on projects, that I found myself on the brink of burnout. Balancing your study-life is essential. It can improve your health, your energy, reduce your stress and make you more productive and healthier. Having spent six years studying in foreign countries, I had to learn to achieve a better balance. The first step to solving a problem is to recognise it. If you can’t acknowledge that your lifestyle is a source of stress, you can't deal with it.
Here are my three tips:
My Habit tracker template
Photo Credit: Becaye Baldé
1. Set Healthy Goals
I print a habit tracker and stick it on my wall. I list healthy habits I would like to build, like exercising, playing the guitar, or walking in the park.
I used to play the ukulele before the guitar. This is my second-ever ukulele, proudly resting by my bed.
Photo Credit: Becaye Baldé
2. Find a Second Passion
If you want to build healthy habits, why not do something you love? Playing guitar allows me to channel my negative energy and it's fun! Some people love going to the gym, hiking or travelling. The key is to combine health and passion.
3. Socialise
For introverts like me, this is a nightmare. However, sometimes, all we need is a little conversation about the crazy amount of snow that fell during the week-end or maybe how many kilometres we ran last Friday. So, take some time to physically meet with people. If you can't, just call them.
I have more tips to share, but these had the most significant impact on my life so far. I hope they help you find harmony in your university journey ;).
Becaye Baldé
Emotional Wellness Liaison (Chicoutimi, Saguenay)
for Y4Y Québec
Instagram: becaye_balde