Priority-Setting Summit Project

Your Voice for Change

Funded by Canadian Heritage, the Priority-Setting Summit Project (PSSP) was a platform for Québec’s English-speaking youth to identify the collective needs and priorities of their communities. The project’s flagship events included a two-day virtual event that took place in March 2021, and a second in-person event that happened in November 2021 at Dawson College in Montréal.

During the first year of PSSP, participants developed their leadership skills through a series of workshops led by community partners, including Institut du Nouveau Monde (INM), Yes Montreal, and Apathy is Boring, as well as by Professor Mike Teed from Bishop’s University. Y4Y was honoured to have keynote addresses from Christopher Skeete, Gregory Kelley and Thomas Mulcair.

Year 2 of PSSP carved out the framework for a five-year Strategic Action Plan that places youth priorities at the forefront of our work across Québec. With the help of professional counsellors, participants developed creative and effective ideas and solutions to address the issues youth face every day. We also welcomed key speakers Sameer Zuberi and Thierry Lindor. A workshop on Strategic Planning by the INM and youth-led workshop were also on the menu. It was an excellent networking opportunity for youth participants to engage and connect with politicians, professors, and community organisers.

Meet the Team

Project/Event Coordinator & Representative

Youth Advisory Committee