McGill Students’ Guide: How to get physically active for FREE (or nearly)!
October 19, 2023 | Montréal, Québec
Photo credit: Abbigail Whitcher, Made with Canva
Have you had your fair share of sitting this week? Between attending lectures, studying at the library and working off my laptop, I know I’m due to move more! Student life is already pricey, considering almost none of us have full-time jobs while we’re doing full-time studies. Here are some options for you, my fellow McGill student, to keep active on a budget this semester:
1. The Lotus Initiative (Instagram: lotusinitiative.mcgill)
Types of activities hosted: Spinning, ballet, yoga and partner yoga, hip hop dance, and pilates
General costs for the activities: FREE (or at a reduced cost)
When: Once a week
2. Student Wellness Hub (Instagram: healthiermcgill)
Types of activities hosted: Gentle yoga for stress relief
General costs for the activities: FREE!
When: Thursdays
3. McGill Students’ Running Club (Instagram: mcgillstudentsrunningclub)
Types of activities hosted: Easy, intermediate, and advanced weekly runs
General costs for the activities: One-time $5 membership fee
When: Every day of the week!
A photo of one of the McGill Spin Bike Gardens.
Photo credit: Luis Boullosa
4. McGill Spin Bike Gardens (Website)
Types of activities hosted: No hosted activities. Spinning bikes are available for the student body to use at different locations at the downtown campus.
General costs for the activities: FREE!
When: Whenever, as long as the buildings on campus are open.
Photo credit: #McgillMoves
5. McGill Moves (Website)
Types of activities hosted: Spiritual Side of Yoga sessions throughout the 2023 Fall semester
General costs for the activities: FREE!
When: Mondays (On Zoom)
6. McGill Recreation (Instagram: McGillRecreation)
Types of activities hosted: No hosted activities. Access for all students to use the pool, indoor and outdoor tracks, basketball courts, squash courts, and soccer fields
General costs for the activities: FREE!
When: To access the facilities, reference the schedules!
Photo credit: McGill B2 Gym
7. McGill B2 Gym membership (Website)
Types of activities hosted: No hosted activities. Access to McGill’s B2 gym
General costs for the activities: $52.99+taxes for the semester (approximately $15/month)
When: To access the facilities, reference the schedule!
8. Café Bloc (Instagram: café_bloc)
Types of activities: climbing
General costs for the activities: $24, but with your 2023-2024 McGill Agenda, you have two free entries!
When: To access the facilities, reference the schedule!
P.S. This is not an exhaustive list of affordable activities on campus, they are simply ones that popped up during my search.
Now that you have some affordable options to get moving, one of the only things limiting you to being physically active this semester is time… Go ahead and share this list with your McGill buddies. 😉
Your Wellness Liaison,
Abbigail Whitcher
Physical Wellness Liaison (Montréal, Québec)
for Y4Y Québec
Instagram: abbigail.whitcher