Why should we fight bullying?
Photo credit: Road Ahead on Unsplash
November 23, 2023 | Chicoutimi, Saguenay, Québec
A few years ago, as I was watching the news, a devastating piece of information shook me to the core: a young student who had been bullied took his own life.
Imagine the profound impact such news had on the parents. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident, as many young individuals grapple with suicidal thoughts and depression due to bullying.
Essentially, bullying involves the physical or emotional harassment of individuals. This behaviour is prevalent in middle and high schools, as well as on the internet. Although it primarily impacts teenagers, adults can also become targets of bullying. It's tempting to think, "I don't bully anyone; this doesn't affect me." However, if you observe someone being bullied, it is essential to intervene. The repercussions of such behaviour extend to all of us, fostering an unsafe environment for our younger siblings, sisters, brothers, children, cousins, or friends.
Photo credit: Jason Leung on Unsplash
The consequences of bullying can be severe for the individual being targeted (stopbullying.gov, 2017):
Depression: Bullying often causes anxiety and depression due to the constant fear of harassment.
Low self-esteem: Bullying can destroy a person's self-worth. The repetition of negative messages and demeaning behaviour harms the individual's confidence, diminishing their self-esteem.
Self-harming behaviour: In some cases, the bullied person may start engaging in self-harming behaviours when it becomes too much to bear, leading to suicide in the worst case.
Alcohol and drug dependence: The bullied individual may turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain.
Aggression and involvement in violence or crime: The anger and frustration caused by bullying may lead to violence.
In order to build a safer society and a better world, we need to fight bullying. Here are some suggestions for when you witness bullying:
Raise awareness: Many people are unaware of the negative effects of bullying. Share stories and experiences with your friends or on social media to illustrate the impact of bullying.
Promote a safe environment: Cultivate a culture of kindness and tolerance within your school or community. Actively encourage positive behaviour.
Don’t be a bystander: If you witness someone being bullied, don't stand by. This might be the most crucial action you can take! Report instances of bullying and show support to the person being targeted. Schools often provide mechanisms for confidentially reporting incidents. Imagine the positive impact this act could have on the individual being bullied.
These are some suggestions I find important. There is so much you can do. One example is establishing a peer support group. Be creative!
If you would like to share stories or your own experiences, feel free to reach out to me on Instagram at @becaye_balde.
Fact sheet - The Consequences of Bullying, stopbullying.gov
Becaye Baldé
Emotional Wellness Liaison (Chicoutimi, Saguenay)
for Y4Y Québec
Instagram: becaye_balde