Youth General Membership
I am between the ages of 16-30, and I'm not committed to being active now, or yet, but I like the Y4Y mission and want to stay informed.
By signing up, you agree to the following requirements:
• you are between the ages of 16 & 30;
• you currently reside in the province of Québec; and
• you identify primarily with the English-speaking communities of Québec.
What I get:
• Receive the Y4Y monthly newsletter;
• Receive an invite to our Annual General Meeting (AGM) to attend in-person or virtually; and
• Receive the Y4Y Annual Report.
What I give:
• Although not required, we encourage you to like/follow all our social media and be an active voice in sharing our messages!
• As we sometimes share surveys and questionnaires from Y4Y and our partners, we ask that you be open to responding and providing your opinions and input!
For any questions, please email: info@y4yquebec.org
Disclaimer of data collection: Please note that we are asking for your current city of residence and date of birth for both statistical purposes and to ensure we are effectively serving youth from across the province of Québec.